“ Zana’s paintings, cars and tags are bright and bubbly just like her personality. She is constantly inspired by her surroundings and travels and this is reflected in all her artwork. Zana’s perspective and use of colour is so unique and what makes her pieces so special.”
Abbey Geerling, New Zealand Fashion Designer from Wellington.
“ Zana is a talented artist and I became aware of her creations when I received a painted plaque as a gift. This brightly- painted plaque always makes me smile when I admire it due to vibrancy of the colours and the beauty of the subject. I have this piece of art displayed in a prominent location in a beach apartment that is used by international guests. Zana’s creations appeal to all ages and cultures. I was fortunate to meet Zana in person and it became apparent that her art mimics her personality. She’s vivacious and outgoing and her works exude the same boldness and warmth. She succeeds in bringing enjoyment to those who are fortunate enough to own her creations”
Julie Gallagher from Arlington, Virginia, USA
“ Die kleine wunderschone decorative Platte- Lieblingsstuck an meiner Wand! Ein Hingucker, der den Fruhling in mein Wohnzimmer bringt. Tolle Farben, prazise Linien, vollkommene Komposition! Seit erstem Moment verliebt in sie.”- Natalija Kolarevic, Mannheim, Germany